GRAND HAVEN, MI (WHTC-AM/FM, Jan. 16, 2025) – A 60-year-old Muskegon man, who had been on parole since last November from a life sentence for a first degree criminal sexual conduct conviction in 1989, was found guilty on Thursday of second-degree CSC stemming from a September 8th incident in Port Sheldon Township in which “inappropriately touched” a 24-year-old woman at a fueling station parking lot following a vehicle collision and subsequent altercation.
It only took two days of testimony and several hours of deliberation before a 20th Circuit Court Jury came down with the verdict against Greg Joseph DuJardine. Prosecutors argued about his three previous convictions on similar charges, using similar tactics, and had not only this victim, but two others testify against him. The defense countered that there was no “inappropriate touching” involved, and claimed the victim used her popular social media account to drum up support for her accusations.
DuJardine will be sentenced on February 28th by Judge Jon Hulsing. State guidelines call for up to 15 years in prison, but as a now four-time habitual offender, he could be put behind bars for life.